URGENT: Protect California Children from Pornography

Email Your Assembly Member TODAY!

The California Assembly will consider for a floor vote on Assembly Bill (A.B.) 3080, a bill to protect our children from accidental exposure to pornography, and we need you to speak up!

Pornography is as harmful to children as a hard drug. Furthermore, parents are the primary guardians of their children’s innocence. This bill protects kids and helps reestablish parents’ right to direct the upbringing of their children.

Send a message notifying your California Assembly Member that you expect him or her to protect California’s children and vote “Aye” on Assembly Bill 3080.

To send your message today, fill out the form below and click Next Step.

Subject: Please Support Assembly Bill 3080

Dear Assembly Member __________,

I am writing to ask you to support Assembly Bill 3080. This bill protects our children from early exposure to pornography by establishing age verification requirements for pornographic websites.

Research proves that pornography is as harmful to kids as a hard drug, and most kids first stumble upon porn unnecessarily. The age verification requirements A.B. 3080 establishes would put a stop to that and ensure that parents are the ones who decide when and how to give their children age-appropriate sex education.

Please support A.B. 3080 and protect our innocent children from the pornography industry.


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